
Content Syndication Services Done For You

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Content Syndication and SEO

We Syndicate To Over 400 Websites including but not exclusive to Google Sites. WordPress Syndication, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin, Tumblr & Many, Many More …

We Write The Articles Thru Our Network Of Writers and Bloggers and you benefit in learning how they do so

Choose Your Content Syndication Author Today …

Content is the key to drive visitors to your website. However, content alone cannot have a desired impact on the audience. The content should be optimized for SEO so that it can be seen by the relevant masses and prompt the desired action. This is where content syndication comes to play. At GQ Central SEO, we are not only proficient at content curation but also efficient at its active distribution on top-performing platforms. We are here to help you develop an entire network of your brand so that you can reach your target audience with relative ease.


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You worked a lot to create great content. You posted it on your blog, on your social media accounts, and ensured it's optimized for search engines. But the views and subscribers aren't where you'd like them to be. If it's any consolation, know that getting traffic is actually a common problem for most marketers. And while there are many ways to get those numbers up, content syndication stands out because it's really cost-effective, helps you boost brand awareness, and improves SEO performance.

Moving beyond the RSS feed, you can promote your own product and services with email marketing. Unlike RSS feed it helps you capture emails of your visitors and build your subscriber base, which should actually be the primary goal of any blogger. You can start by placing an e-mail signup form in a prominent area of your blog header, sidebar, footer or maybe at the top of each post. A pop-up form can also appear on your blog to pull subscribers in an effectual way. Read through this wonderful guide for email marketing.

You have put in a lot of hard work in writing content and then you posted it on your websites, blogs, social media platforms and also made sure it gets optimized for search engines as well. But still, the viewers and subscribers you are getting are not as per your expectations. Well, what to do in that case? this is where content syndication comes into the frame. Getting the right amount of traffic has become a common problem for most of the marketers these days. B2b content syndication is basically a type of method of publishing or republishing content on other websites in an attempt to reach out to a broader audience.

What is Content Syndication

Content-syndication is meant for publishing an article on another website without any changes, which you have already published on your own website. This would, by definition, create external duplicate content. This duplicate content risk can be taken care of easily, by properly implementing your content-syndication. Ask Citrix: do quotes constitute a duplicate content problem?.

Search engines and social media platforms are focusing more on keeping you on their website and monetizing your attention. Unfortunately for businesses, this means an ever decreasing amount of organic inbound traffic. To help combat this, marketers are utilizing paid content syndication on apps like Feedly and pocket to overcome organic losses and reach their audiences in new ways.

I am not a patent expert or qualified in any way to talk patent law in any depth. This post is an attempt to document the novelty and non-obviousness needed for Microsoft's patent application to receive legal approval. I worked for Microsoft's windows live platform division earlier this year creating an online content syndication platform incorporating many of the ideas outlined in this patent application. I was not aware of the June 2005 patent application by the internet explorer team until earlier this week. I have previously documented the unreleased content syndication platforms of my yahoo! and google reader.

Content Syndication and SEO

Content is the key to drive visitors to your website. However, content alone cannot have a desired impact on the audience. The content should be optimized for SEO so that it can be seen by the relevant masses and prompt the desired action. This is where content syndication comes to play. At GQ Central SEO , we are not only proficient at content curation but also efficient at its active distribution on top-performing platforms. We are here to help you develop an entire network of your brand so that you can reach your target audience with relative ease.

The correct realisation, or rather, the correct approach to content-syndication is a prerequisite for the success of this SEO strategy. The website publishing the syndicated article adds the rel=”canonical” link element to the area of their html source code, which points to the URL of the original document.

Some experts may have warned you that syndicating content is a bad idea because you'll end up getting dinged by a google penalty. This is nonsense. Google won't penalize you for syndicating content. At worst, any duplicate versions of your article might be filtered out of the search results. Syndication isn't about SEO. It's a content marketing tactic – emphasis on marketing. Because this is how marketing really works.

How to Syndicate Content

As with any new advertising channel, there’s always some confusion about how to run syndicated content campaigns and how to best measure success. Ultimately, it’s going to depend on your goals and types of content. In this article, we'll explain how to set up and measure the success of paid content syndication campaigns for brand awareness and lead generation.

The web is big and noisy. So much so that even though you are targeting a niche audience, chances of them landing on your blog depletes with each day. Syndication gets your content in front of a different audience who might not be aware of your website otherwise. “syndication is important because it generates brand awareness and more traffic. ”drupal websites often syndicate content from the drupal planet.

Almost any business can benefit from content syndication if the right syndicate and audience are available. However, businesses that are already creating substantive and creative thought leadership content are best positioned to see an immediate benefit. B2b technology brands are frequently in the position of having excellent content but no established audience to read it.

How to Find Content Syndication Partners

Whether you are new to SEO and marketing or even if you’re experienced but don’t have a ton of time, having a company do the content syndication for you is a good idea. It can take a lot of time to find the right partners and set up everything. Not only that but also if not done correctly (like we discussed earlier), google algorithms can penalize the content.

Now that you have a better understanding of the basics of content syndication, you can begin finding the right syndication partnerships and creating the best content to connect with your target audience. Here are three steps to help you succeed with your syndication strategy.

Finding relevant partners is a large part of successful syndication. You want your content to be re-published and featured on popular, high-traffic and high-ranking websites that don’t just reach people but reach your target audience. To find relevant partners, do your research. See who is in the same vertical as your business and reach out to them. If you find their content is a good match and have begun building rapport, chances are they are going to be interested. Plus, content syndication can go both ways!.

Content syndication services, sites, & networks

Authoritative syndication networks can also up your content syndication game, as they can place your content on influential websites with high traffic. In turn, this could establish your status as an equally authoritative figure on the subject matter and drive targeted visitors to your website. Content syndication networks are basically services that help you distribute your content across numerous news and blog sites on their network. Here are some of your options if you’re looking to syndicate your content and how they may be good (or not-so-good) for your business goals.

Content Syndication Networks are basically services that help you distribute your content across innumerable news and blog sites on their network. Here are some of your options if you’re looking to syndicate your content and how they may be good (or not-so-good) for your business goals.

What is content syndication?

All of these metrics are easily found in google analytics. If you have an attribution tool (think kochava, NeuStar, altitude, or any other) or CRM installed that’s even better. There are a few ways to set up google analytics to simplify the measurement and tracking of your paid content syndication. For all of these things, the first step is making sure that the UTM codes in your campaign URLs are consistent. Hubspot has a great resource on UTM's that explains what they’re about and how to build them out in analytics here.

Article syndication is a growth marketing strategy that can be used to achieve many goals. Fundamentally, you can enhance reach, but the key to effective content syndication is choosing platforms that can connect you with an audience that is ready to make a purchasing decision. This is where content syndication becomes performance marketing. There are various approaches these platforms can take when syndicating content.

Content-syndication can be an effective means in your SEO strategy. You use it primarily to generate coverage. The most important thing is obviously still the creation of high-quality content. Because the higher the quality of content, the higher the effect of content-syndication.

10 Sites You Can Use for Free Blog Promotion

Content syndication isn’t new. It’s been around in some shape or fashion since the early days of the internet and is now amplified through social media channels where brands freely share blogs and articles. What many pr practitioners may not realize is that there is much more behind a successful content syndication strategy than just sharing free content online. Essentially, article syndication involves republishing content such as a blog or video across third-party sites. Syndication can mean many things including paid promotions, organic social media, email marketing or republishing content on free blogging sites. Republishing content across multiple channels provides access to a bigger audience, helping increase your website’s SEO, brand awareness and more.

The Right Way to Launch a Blog Syndication Strategy

Blog syndication is a smart way to get more out of the work you’ve already done click & tweet!. By publishing content on your site and then republishing it again on other high-quality sites that share your audience, you can get in front of new audiences and gain additional SEO benefits all while leveraging assets you already have. Use the tips in this post to launch your blog syndication plan and start getting extra exposure for your content today. To grow your strategy even faster, sign up

Blog Syndication vs. Guest Posting

Content syndication being scalable is advantageous over guest posting. You are writing a post to publish it on your blog in order to reach your niche audience. Now, you are republishing it on any credible platform to leverage its reach to a wider audience. In the guest posting, you write a post for any website or blog in your niche and it markets you to the audience of that particular website or blog.

So long as you’re syndicating your content correctly, ensuring you’re not incurring indirect penalties for duplicating content, there’s no real reason not to syndicate your blog posts on external publishing platforms as often as you like. If you’re looking to make it on the big-name sites we mentioned earlier, like Forbes, you’ll usually need to get yourself noticed by site editors before they agree to syndicate your content on their site. Catch their attention with a viral post, or building a relationship. A compromise: guest posting, then syndication once you’ve created a name for yourself.

A content syndication strategy may sound similar to guest blogging outreach. In both strategies, you create content and find other sites that will publish it on their site. But these two strategies are not the same. With guest posting, a blog post only appears on one guest blogging site. It does not appear on your website at all. Also, a guest post is usually original content.

Blog Syndication vs. Syndication Networks

Another blurry line in content syndication relates to paid content syndication. While the two strategies sound the same, there are some major differences. Syndicating content involves creating relationships with individual websites and working with them to publish your content on their site. In this strategy, the website publishes your content in its entirety, usually at no cost to you. Working with syndication networks involves partnering with a company that advertises your content (usually by showing your article’s headline, a blurb, and featured image) on other third-party websites. The advertised content leads back to a blog post on your site, and you typically pay based on how many clicks your ad receives. The top syndicated content providers include outbrain, simple reach, and taboola, and you can usually find these ads at the bottom of popular blogs and websites.

Content syndication (unpaid) is when you republish content that appeared on your company’s blog or website elsewhere on the web. The syndicated content could be a full article or a snippet that links back to the original source. This is different from guest blogging, which involves creating an exclusive piece of content for a third-party outlet; the guest article does not appear on your site. That said, some publishers have content syndication networks they might use to promote guest content.

Content syndication occurs when web content from various sources is collected, sorted, and published on third-party websites. Readers can then use one website to view a variety of content on hundreds of subjects. Published content includes blogs, videos, infographics, articles, whitepapers, or anything else that lives on your website and adds value to readers. See a few of the most popular content syndication networks below.

Blog Syndication Best Practices

It builds your brand authority as you can appear in more industry publications. To get these benefits, you need to set up a content syndication process that follows best practices for linking, targeting the right sites, and getting the most out of your repurposed content. If you don’t follow these best practices, blog syndication could bring more problems than benefits to your content strategy click & tweet!.

Once you have your plan and partners squared away, work out the best ways to syndicate your content. Sometimes content syndication looks like dedicating an entire article or blog to a third-party website (i. E: guest posting ). Other times, content syndication looks like a simple headline with a backlink to your website or a targeted webpage. All syndication practices are not necessarily equal. What works for one business and website may not work for another.

Syndication is one of the most effective content marketing distribution strategies available to digital marketers today. Leaving behind the old clickbait practices, the focus of syndication is on quality and endorsement, providing direct links back to content on your site your audiences will be engaged with. To learn more about how position2’s syndication subscription service can help promote your brand to a wider online audience, click here. To stay in touch with the latest trends in digital marketing, you can subscribe to receive alerts from our weekly blog.

Find the Best Blog Syndication Sites for Your Content

After you understand the potential of syndication, you’d be weird not to go for it. Even the most accomplished sites in Singapore feature syndicated content in more ways than one. The digital space is too noisy and you can’t afford to think that people will read your content just because you’ve posted on your blog. When you turn to syndication, you maximise the number of readers who will find the full or partial version of your post. It becomes easy to maximise the exposure to readers who might have missed your content altogether.

There are several syndication opportunities that don’t require media-like spend. For example, a financial business can have their thought leaders syndicate their content to sites like SeekingAlpha. Com for free. Related industry sites and blogs are always looking for good content and they tend to not want to pay for it. Find out what sites have an audience in your industry and ask them if they are interested in getting an RSS feed of original content. Syndication partners typically want unique content and at least some sort of delay before the content is published on your own site. WE DO IT FOR YOU


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